Thursday, June 2, 2011

Finally the wonderful Mrs. Destiny!

So when I wrote my first true post about Amy and her cake pops, I mentioned Mrs. Destiny, who is a friend of mine and is absolutely fabulous! So without further adieu: . Now let me tell you a little bit about Mrs. Destiny. She is happily married to Mr. Reggie, has 3 beautiful babies Mikel, Mikah, and the sweet little Alivya, has a straight out of Better Homes and Gardens house and makes the most awesome cakes. All this and still has time to be crafty!

She just recently did a post about her patio redo and it is a must see, again straight out of a magazine! I did a little interview with Mrs. Destiny.

PinkPosies: How did you become part of the blog world?
        Mrs. Destiny: Well, I think like most blogs mine started off as a family blog and then turned into something else after being features on Just a Girl and a few months later on House of Smiths. But the first time I ever read a blog was my friend Brittany. It was like scrapbooking online :0) I loved it and have ever since!

PinkPosies: How do you maintain a beautiful house while being crafty and still taking care of 3 little ones and Reggie?
      Mrs. Destiny: Hmmmm, well I'm the first one to say that my house is not maintained. It's a bit crazy actually! lol..What you see on my blog MOSTLY is my best foot forward. A clean "staged"space. Because everyone likes to look at things that are pretty including me. You will also get a glimpse of real stuff too though :0) But day to day we are just a regular family with the all of the responsiblites. Blogging for me has always been a hobby and I'm not sure when and if it will be more than that. Right now I have three babies that need me and a big baby who needs me even more! My blog can't come before them :0) I can't post 5 days a week...sometimes I can't even post one day a week! But I'm ok with that. The followers that I have are the ones who love just seeing what I'm up to and I like it like that!
I decorate/Craft/Blog during nap and mostly at night those are really my only down times! I drag the kids to Micheals and get them a project to work on also. I try to do most of the projects outside so they can play.

PinkPosies: To date what is your favorite craft project, DIY remodel/home make-over, or recipe you have done?
      Mrs. Destiny: Let's see, right now its our dining room/living room area!!!! The before and afters are always fun to look at! We use to call it a dance floor/cave. But now it's starting to be one of my favorite places in our home :0)

PinkPosies: What are your blog plans for the future?
        Mrs. Destiny: I'm always adding new things to my blog! I just recenlty finished up a 5 week series called {Be Inspired} I plan on launching two more series this year...I Love my Home and Your Invited! Be on the look out! Reggie and I are also going to continue working on the house and upgrading little by little! This summer I would love to finish the living/dining room space! Also start on the laundry room and the office!
I'm really just letting the Lord lead me as far as growing my blog:0) If opportunities arise from blogging I first pray and seek councel from my hubby or close friends. If it's not right for my family then we just won't do it!

PinkPosies: Thank you so much Mrs. Destiny I loved having you!
        Mrs. Destiny: Thanks so much Liana!!! It was a joy and I look forward to see more from your BLOG!

Again check her blog out at:

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